Posted by admin on December 7, 2013
Its cold down here
It started on Monday, cold, but lots of sun and no wind, a good day for hanging Christmas lights and yard work. Then came Tuesday, colder and steady wind all day long, the wind chill here had to be less than 10 degrees. The wind let up on Wednesday but the air and ground were colder yet, sealing the surface of our Alaska asphalt. Then each successive day it has grown colder yet.
Alaska Asphalt
Tacoma Fire Logs
It has been cold all week and will continue a few more days, but it has also been sunny and great weather for building fences. That fact has been proven by the “Brisk” business we have done all week selling fence boards and supplies.Maybe this is why?
The cold has not been the worst part, it is actually the wind, 24 mile per hour wind, which we have seen this week, can make 30 degrees feel like zero. So a well built and designed fence can actually raise the apparent temperature by as much as 30 degrees. Wouldn’t 60 degrees feel good right now? It doesn’t actually work that way, but it sure feels better to get out of the wind.
A well designed fence deserves a well designed gate and while there are too many styles to list, this is by far my favorite.
What to do?
So come and buy some Tacoma Firelogs and burn them for heat, or build a fence to block the arctic Blast, or spend 20 minutes posting on the internet, In any case it is another great day to come to Mill Outlet Lumber. 4811 S Tyler st, Tacoma, 253 514 0658