Mill Outlet Lumber

Posts Tagged Rough Cut

So many options

Every day it seems we have more and more options in cedar products. All sorts of vertical grain clear cedar from 1×2- 2×12 at ridiculously affordable prices. Now most recently we are bringing on a constant supply of appearance cedar timbers in 4×4, 4×6 and 6×6 for now with more sizes on the way. These timbers are all full dimension rough sawn and old growth high quality material. In the same type of lumber we also now have 2×8, 2×10 and 2×12, mainly in 12′ and shorter lengths. 



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Cedar Timbers are Back

Just arrived Rough sawn Western Red Cedar Timbers, full Dimension, good lengths and excellent quality. Our supplies have been running low, but we just found this great material at a great price, so we can offer it to you below normal wholesale cost.


Perfect timing too, with spring right around the corner these timbers are perfect for all types of outdoor projects. Elaborate gates, garden arbors and pergolas. One customer, yesterday was building a decorative bridge. Another is building a massive ranch gate in Eastern Washington. Cedar timbers such as this are not always easy to find and sometimes when you need then most you are forced to pay full price.



Don’t forget, we also have older stock 6×6 surfaced 4 sides for only  While it lasts and 2×8,10&12 for overhead structures and raised beds at great prices.


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6×12 Primo Kiln Dried Douglas Fir

It is really amazing the things we come up with some times. These don’t look like much to the untrained eye, but lurking near the floor under miscellaneous paneling and boards are several 12′- 15′ Clear, tight Vertical grain, Kiln Dried 6×12 Douglas Fir, If you want them surfaced we can help you with that.  sounds like a bargain if you have ever had a reason to look for behemoths like this before. Forget foraging through abandoned storage units or old farmer’s barns. Come find lumber treasures like these where you know they will be, Mill outlet Lumber, 4811 S Tyler, Tacoma WA.

Click to Zoom


Limited to stock on hand and subject to prior sale.

Also, same stock, different lengths,


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